From Staff Reports: Maranatha used a 23-point, second-half advantage to keep their season going. The Lady Minutemen earned a 64-45 victory in the second round of the CIF-SS Division 4A playoffs over CAM. That 41-18 second-half surge was the difference. Patil Yaacoubian had a team-best 21 points, as well as 8 rebounds and 5 steals. […]
From Staff Reports:
Maranatha used a 23-point, second-half advantage to keep their season going.
The Lady Minutemen earned a 64-45 victory in the second round of the CIF-SS Division 4A playoffs over CAM.
That 41-18 second-half surge was the difference.
Patil Yaacoubian had a team-best 21 points, as well as 8 rebounds and 5 steals.
Erica De Guzman finished with 14 points and 9 rebounds.
Emily Jordan added 13 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 steals.
Hope Hayashida and Mireille Minassian had 6 points apiece for the Minutemen.
Maranatha will travel to Poly on Wednesday night at 7.
The Panthers edged Notre Dame of Riverside, 38-36, on Saturday night.
Box Score:
C: 10-17-7-11-(45)
M: 11-12-20-21-(64)
CAM (11-11); Maranatha (16-11)